Dear Mrs. Farnham,
Thank you for your question. The Swiss legislation regulates the declaration of tree nuts and peanuts as follows:
- Tree nuts (hazelnut, almond, walnut etc.) and peanuts must be listed in the ingredients list in any case if they are added to the food.
- In Switzerland, unintended contamination with peanuts or tree nuts must be declared as well, if they (could) exceed a ratio of 1 g perkg. Contamination of less than 1 g per kg should be labeled the same way. You will then find the following note on the packaging: “Kann Nüsse enthalten” (may contains tree nuts) or “Kann Spuren von Nüssen enthalten” (may contains traces of nuts).
On products from Coop you’ll see the allergens labeled in a green box. If you wish to see the labeling of products from Migros as well (the other supermarket in Switzerland), you can find them on On any food product you can find a phone number to call and ask, if the product does not contain tree nuts or peanuts.
If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Karin Stalder
Deputy Head Specialist Team
aha! Allergiezentrum Schweiz
aha! Swiss Allergy Centre
Hi Rebecca, This is great. Thanks for sharing it! I just updated my post on Swiss food labeling and included a link to this info. -Heddi