Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Butterfly Girl

The park next to Novartis is hosting the Robi play folks this week (the same group that had the bounce house and crafts and other activities at Kannenfeld last week).  Yesterday we got there around 5:00.  Layla got right in line for face paint.  The little girl she sat next to seemed distressed and tried desperately to communicate something to us.  Finally, it took someone putting it in writing for us to understand that she had been told she was the last kid to get painted that day.  Alas, we would have to return another day.  There were tears, but Layla recovered pretty quickly, with the promise that we'd come back today.  So today we got there right at 2:00, when I knew the play stuff was starting.  Except, come to find out, face painting wouldn't start until 4:00.  We knew that another craft was happening where the face painting would be.  At quarter to 4:00 I peaked in and saw they were still crafting, so we went to play on the playground.  We headed into line at 3:55, only to be 10th in line already!  Patient Kid of the Day Award goes to Layla, for sure!  She waited nearly an hour for this beautiful butterfly face!

Josh says, "It's so beautiful!"

I have been laughing because one of the only complete sentences I can recall from the Guten Tag German videos we had to watch with Herr Aust in high school is "Er sieht ja aus wie ein hippy."  As if I would need to be commenting on someone's hippy style in German.  Well, "Layla sieht ja aus wie eine butterfly."  If I only knew the word for butterfly.  I guess those sentences were useful after all!

1 comment:

  1. I may not be very objective, but I think these pix of Josh and Layla, especially the one where he's looking at her, are the blog's best yet! Congrats to all of you for your patience...definitely paid off.
