Thursday, July 11, 2013

Finally, a Boat!

We started off the day by checking out the park next to the Novartis Campus.  Unfortunately, the sprinkler system was watering the grass....and in the process, half of the playground, as well.  The kids managed to have some fun in the sand.  We travel with buckets and shovels wherever we go these days!

Josh and his raisins....again!

Tram riding is serious business. (side note: Josh was a big pain the behind today when we went out without the stroller. Monkey was not much help!  Josh decided he would scare all the pigeons by spitting at them.  Awesome.  

After the playground I took the kids to ride one of the ferries that crosses the Rhine.  These boats have no motors and use the current of the river to transport passengers from side to side.  For more on the Rhine and the ferries, see this site.

I stink at selfies! Sorry, Josh.

A big thing in Basel is to swim in the Rhine.  The current is strong and so there are entry and exit points along the river and people float for a bit and get out for a beer while they dry off.  You can barely see two swimmers in the picture below.  The colorful floats they are hanging onto are actually waterproof bags that contain all of their clothes and belongings.

On an unrelated note, these are the cranes that are outside of our front door.  Josh is a very happy little boy.

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